The Philippine-Austrian Cultural and Educational Society (PACES) celebrated it’s 6th year Anniversary on 16 May with a Thanksgiving Mass held at the St. Augustin Church in Vienna’s first district. This coincided with the Sunday Loretto High Mass at St.Augustine Church featuring the music of Amadeus Mozart. The church’s Sunday music masses are renowned worldwide and widely attended even by non-Catholics.
Pater Dominic Sadrawetz, Order of Saint Augustine and Prior of St. Augustine Church, celebrated this Mass and mentioned the special Intention for PACES’ 6th anniversary during the opening rites. Several officers and members of PACES attended the High Mass and, in recognition for the anniversary celebration, were invited to sit at the high altar during the liturgical ceremony.
Pater Matthias Schlögl, parish priest of St. Augustine church, and a long-time friend and supporter of PACES interceded to make it possible to celebrate the Holy Mass with a special dedication for PACES.

PACES started out in 2015 when like-minded members of the Philippine-Austrian community in Vienna informally gathered to discuss the idea of promoting the study of science and technology as a vehicle for development and progress. This informal gathering eventually resulted in the creation of an association that would support scholarships in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). The association was given the name of the Philippine-Austrian Cultural and Educational Society, PACES for short.
On 15 May 2016, PACES was formally registered as an Austrian “Verein” or Society.