The Philippine-Austrian Cultural and Educational Society (PACES) is inviting all Filipinos and friends of the Philippines to the 3rd floral offering at the Catalpa Trees in the Vienna Rathauspark to commemorate the 123rd Anniversary of the Proclamation of Philippine Independence and to mark the 75th year of diplomatic relations between Austria and the Philippines. The event will be held on Saturday, 12th June 2021, at 16:00H in the Rathauspark.
Vienna Mayor and Governor Michael Ludwig has designated the President of the Vienna Landtag (Regional Parliament), Mr. Ernst Woller to attend on his behalf. Philippine Deputy Chief of Mission and Chargé d’Affaires Consul Deena Joy D. Amatong will be speaking on behalf of the Philipine Embassy in Vienna. The program will have a special participation by Vincent Bueno, Austria’s representative to the recent Eurovision Song Contest, who is a living exemplar of the fusion between Philippine and Austrian cultures.
The first Catalpa tree, which symbolizes the Filipino presence in Austria, was planted by the Centennial Commission 22 years ago on the occasion of the Centennial Jubilee of Philippine Independence in June 1998. Then Mayor of Vienna Dr. Michael Häupl and former Ambassador of the Philippines Jose Zaide presided over the ceremonies in 1988. A second Catalpa tree has since been planted by Stadtgarten Wien (City Garden Vienna) a few meters beside the first one.
The floral offering ceremony is spearheaded by PACES in line with its aim of promoting cultural exchange and friendship between the Philippines and Austria. A similar event was held last year coinciding with Philippine Independence Day.

In view of the current situation, participation will be limited. Those interested may reserve a slot by sending an RSVP to or an SMS text to telephone 0699 1459 6190. Strict adherence to the prevailing health protocols will be required of all attendees.