von Rodolfo Quevenco | Juni 9, 2024 | News und Events, Stipendium
The PACES Executive Board has released an announcement about the PACES STEM Scholarships detailing the eligibility criteria, benefits and responsibilities of the scholarships, and how to apply. The application form can be downloaded here. The PACES STEM scholarships...
von Rodolfo Quevenco | Mai 31, 2024 | News und Events, Unkategorisiert
Die Philippine Austrian Cultural and Educational Society (PACES) feierte am 15. Mai 2024ihr achtjähriges Bestehen und wählte dabei einen neuen Vorstand für die Amtszeit 2024 bis2026. Die neuen PACES-Vorstandsmitglieder sind: Dr. Jane Gerardo-Abaya, Präsidentin;...
von Rodolfo Quevenco | Mai 30, 2024 | News und Events
At its annual general meeting held last 15 May and in subsequent meetings of its Executive Board, newly elected PACES President Dr. Jane Gerardo-Abaya led the members and officers in conceptualizing plans for the coming year. These include a relaunch and expansion of...
von Rodolfo Quevenco | Sep. 1, 2023 | News und Events, Stipendium
All four PACES scholars who were awarded STEMS75 scholarships in the year 2021have finally received their Bachelor of Science degrees. The scholars are: Mr. John Paul Dave Sarte Ebit, B.S. Information Technology at the Rizal Technological University, Mandaluyong...
von Rodolfo Quevenco | Juli 19, 2023 | Unkategorisiert, News und Events
The 5th PACES Floral Offering, held at Rathaus Garden in Vienna on June 12, 2023, began with opening remarks by PACES president Marizel Rojas, an invocation by PACES treasurer Nilsa Fischer, and welcome remarks by former PACES president Malou Reininger, setting the...
von Rodolfo Quevenco | Aug. 6, 2022 | News und Events
The Philippines will need over 1.8 million engineers by 2025. Most of that need will be in the sectors of agriculture and forestry, manufacturing, construction, transport, mining, and utilities like electricity, gas and water, and other services. This is according to...